As a person that was initially exposed to AA in the mid 1980s, 12-steppers have an unfortunate history of hostility and suspicion towards anyone who breaks free otherwise. Dry drunks was a label tossed out for people who quit on their own, and anyone not working the steps was going to get their ass handed to them eventually because their addiction was training in the parking lot. "It works if you work it" also conveniently shifts the blame and shame to the individuals who struggle to succeed when working the program. While it seems AA is growing more accepting towards 12-step alternatives, they have brought a lot of valid criticism on themselves because of an unexplainable need to have their way be the only way. Medium has been a great resource for me in finding others who broke free after being mistreated in 12-step programs. I appreciate the respect you show towards AA, but I'm also relieved and grateful that they're being exposed for some of their unhelpful approaches to overcoming addiction.
Very insightful article. Thanks for sharing!!!!