I couldn't resist and had to click on the article your friend sent. It's absolutely hilarious how the for profit rehab industry is cashing in on 12-step programs that 100% free! There's even a pulsating phone icon there in case one gets tired of reading their long-winded rationalization. And one of my favorite misleading arguments "There is also the proven fact, that for many, this method of overcoming the killer disease of addiction works!" Hmmm. "For many" conveniently avoids the realistic percentage, which is mathematically dismal, in spite of the word many.
I also a king sized "chip" on my shoulder regarding AA, but I have discovered an awakening on this platform. Fully functioning adults have successfully recovered and rejected 12-step programs and I read their stories almost every day. This makes me grateful to my higher power, which is a chair. (AA taught me that I can substitute my God for an inanimate object if I'm the secular type)
Thanks for sharing!