Member-only story
I had 4 years to formulate a plan B.
Grappling with the uncertainty of another Trump presidency.
The phrase “misery loves company” sure rings true for me this morning. After the shit show on January 6th, 2020, I vowed to have an exit strategy in the event that a certain someone ever came back into power here. I had lots of Spanish-speaking coworkers who I could try to befriend in order to learn some functional Spanish. Maybe I could trade guitar lessons for language lessons and find companies south of the border where my experience/credentials would be in demand. To me, fleeing to Mexico made the most sense, but a solid plan was a must. Instead, I worked on getting emotionally and physically stronger……. but I also became complacent and allowed my passport to expire. I didn’t learn Spanish or develop any type of plan.
Today is November 6th, 2024 and I have awakened to the dreadful reality of him being re-elected. I can sense the swelling and celebratory hatred of the MAGA masses surrounding and outnumbering me. When I turned on the news at 3:30 this morning and saw the electoral count, I immediately turned off the television and turned on my music to escape.
Who else feels like avoiding the entire world for the next four years? I’ve always stood with marginalized and scapegoated people. I was driven to stand with those who are punched down on the hardest by the MAGA cult. Can I still stand safely against that hatred?
I live in MAGA country now, and I have no plan B.
Thanks for reading!