I journaled through a lot of issues, but I also wonder about the significance of my traumas. While I acknowledge that some issues may not be entirely resolved, I also know that I eventually fell in love with alcohol. Once I gave in to the peer pressure as a young man, I absolutely embraced how well I could socialize and maintain. I made friends everywhere I went. When my adult son came to visit me a few months after I moved to Chicagoland in 2017, the bartender at the local pub told him "Everybody in this bar loves your dad".
I'm a lover of people and the alcohol silenced my social inhibitions, but it also consumed me, almost fatally. In the end, the alcohol may have created more trauma than the unresolved issues that already existed.
My mom was accomplished as an astrologer, and she saw in my chart that alcohol would attract me and cautioned me to avoid it. Since I initially hated it and knew it was wrong for me, I didn't heed her warning once I chose to accept it.