I've heard this statement hundreds of times from people who have struggled with alcohol addiction, but we need to acknowledge that alcohol is a drug. And it's one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs. Maybe some transparency from the enormous alcohol cartel would allow the public to make healthier choses.
It doesn't bother me if people like to party with alcohol, but oftentimes they're judgemental towards people who use or get addicted to illegal or drugs that are less acceptable. When our societies decided to make alcohol the "legal recreational drug" they scrubbed it up and removed the stigma. I knew when I was at my worst, my alcohol addiction and use was identical to a that of a heroin addict in every way, despite laws, language and stigmas. The demand for alcohol wouldn't go down a bit if we stopped glamorizing its use and marketing it so aggressively, but $$$$$$ trumps all these days.
Thanks for sharing.