Thanks for this statistic! Stats like this are hard to find!! Transparency by the industry would be helpful. I see government numbers and self-reported numbers from consumers, but how many honest reports are generated using information provided by liquor store proprietors? Even store owners may have a vested interest in misrepresenting the actual numbers, if it looks like their primary source of income is coming from addicted customers. Store owners know who their customers are, how frequently they buy and what they're buying. Some products, like high alcohol content malt liquor, are tailored to low income (Often addicted) users. Crappy quality/ low cost/ high buzz drugs.......excuse me, alcoholic beverages, aren't usually the first choice for moderate drinkers. 🤪
Thanks again. I hope to see more revealing statistics like this in the future. I have no wish to ban alcohol, but let's at least be honest about the role of the alcohol industry. It's a successfully marketed, multi-billion dollar network of drug manufacturers and dealers. Oh yeah, a totally legal drug that's so heavily advertised, it's impossible to escape its influence.
Great read, thank you!!!!!!!!!! (Fire em' up coach! 💪)