This is a great topic. I've noticed that people who suffered trauma or grew up in violent, dysfunctional households, became very unmanageable when they were intoxicated. In some instances, it seems alcohol can reveal characteristics in people that might otherwise remain unnoticed. Often those fortunate enough to be trauma-free, with kind-hearted personalities, just become more affectionate and loving.....though severe levels of intoxication can make things go horribly sideways regardless......and in an instant! I would say it's possible for intoxication to expose glimpses of one's true character, but alcohol and intoxication are too volatile and unpredictable for that to be a universally accurate claim.
I overcame a life-threatening addiction to alcohol and I can relate to the dilemma that our relationships with alcohol and drinking culture create. It's tough and it's a crazy thing to untangle once we begin to get comfortable with the lovely buzz from drinking.
Fortunately, there are volumes of valuable stories here from people who have broken free from their addictions. Reading articles about addiction and recovery here has been super helpful in my own success. There are numerous paths to becoming more whole; some people can manage to adjust their intake and have what it takes to moderate their drinking, while people like me have to stop or die. But my point is that AA/12-step programs are one of many paths to freedom.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!