Though our capitalist system wasn't great for people of color during the 1950s, it's my understanding that the financial gap between those at the top and those at the bottom was much smaller then because of regulation and heavier taxes on the wealthy. I've been in the working world since 1982, and it's so much harder for people now. Especially since around 2007, when wages for the working class started getting slashed by nearly half. It's tragic that most younger people are unaware of how much better employees used to be compensated, but that's probably by design.
I love business success stories and once had an entrepreneur spirit, but unregulated capitalism has killed that spirit. I'm 60 now, and have aged out, even with outstanding credentials in my field. It's inspiring to learn that you're carving niches and I hope your example can help restore more income equality.
Thank you for sharing. ✌️