You make a strong point about money. For a lot if us, just having enough to get by is a relief. When you can actually take a trip with the knowledge, that if your vehicle breaks down you have the resources to fix it, is huge. That’s not Walton or Koch money, but for working class, paycheck to paycheck people, it’s golden. I lived paycheck to paycheck my entire life until 2019. (A job I landed in sales and customer service in late 2017) In 2020 I had my best year ever financially and it was a laughable salary to the wealthy, but not constantly worrying about tomorrow absolutely contributed to a peace of mind I hadn’t experienced before. Just because I finally had what I needed!!! I will be 58 in September and know money isn’t the end game in my pursuit of self-awareness or inner peace, but it makes one hell of a difference just having enough!!